We are living in transformational times, where we can apply artificial intelligence and machine learning to address the integration of high yield organic food, clean water, renewable energy and circular waste to resource management at the neighborhood scale.
ReGen Villages, patent-pending VillageOS™ operating system software and ReGenerative Villages Simulator™ will enable the replication and global scaling of regenerative resiliency to meet the challenges of safe, healthy and secure communities in dynamically changing times.
ReGen Villages answers almost all of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, leveraging the VillageOS™ software to rapidly master plan that changes the rules for fast-track development and realization of integrated critical life-support systems with doorstep access and agency.
Engineering and facilitating the development of integrated and resilient neighborhoods that power and feed self reliant families around the world.
Using artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to enable thriving and flourishing communities with surplus energy, clean water, high-yield organic food that support urgently needed neighborhood regenerative resiliency.
Partnering with regional land developers, architects, construction, universities and brand manufacturing firms to maximize cost-benefit efficiency that enable global scaling of development projects.